Legal notice

Information as per § 5 of the German Broadcast Media Act (TMG):

Operator of website 

Presentational responsibility as per applicable law lies with:

Children's & Youth Lesiure Centre Wuhlheide - State Academy Of Music - Non-profit company

Strasse zum FEZ 2
D-12459 Berlin

HRB 54751 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Tax ID number: DE170 899 046


Dr. Margrit Witzke, Management of the Children's, Youth and Family Centre
Chris Berghäuser, Mamagement of the Berlin State Academy of Music  

Board of Directors
Falko Liecke, Staatssekretär für Jugend und Familie in der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie

Contact details 
Telephone: +4930-53071-0 
Email: info(at)


Child Protection Officer

Marc-André von Zmuda Trzebiatowski: m.zmuda(at) 


Director of Journalistic and Editorial Content

Children's & Youth Leisure Centre Wuhlheide - State Academy of Music - Non-profit Company
Marion Gusella
Straße zum FEZ 2 
D-12459 Berlin
Telephone: +4930-53071-593
Email: m.gusella(at)


Online Dispute Resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for consumers to resolve online disputes. The platform can be found at and also provides additional information in regard to online dispute resolution.

However, we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in court proceedings resulting from an online dispute on the part of the consumer.

Use of all contact details published as part of our legal notice or otherwise by third parties for e.g. transmission of unsolicited and other information material is hereby overruled. We reserve the right to take legal action in cases of receipt of unrequested promotional information such as spam e-mails.

Screen Design and TYPO3 Development

Concept and design: Anja Bischoff,
CMS Typo3: Computer Manufaktur GmbH,
Edited by: FEZ Berlin


Data Protection

Email: Datenschutzbeauftragter(at)

Data Protecion Policy

Legal Disclaimer

Despite careful proofreading, ongoing checks and updates made to this information, the FEZ Berlin assumes no warranty for the content of this website. In spite of the extreme caution exercised, intermittent changes to some data cannot be excluded. Therefore, liability shall not be accepted for the correctness, integrity, quality and truth of the information displayed on the website nor for the information being up to date. Any contributions to the site bearing a name reflect the views of the respective authors and not always the views of the FEZ Berlin.

Liability via external links

Our website contains links to the external websites of third parties on whose contents we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability for the contents of these websites. In each case, the respective website provider or operator is solely responsible for the contents. At the time the link was added, the website was checked for any possible legal violations and none were found.

However, it is impossible for us to permanently monitor the contents of linked webpages. If there are concrete indications or there is evidence of a legal violation, the contents will be checked again and, if legal infringements are found, the link(s) will be removed immediately.